4.5/5 Based on Carl Sagan's novel of the same name, it is an inspiring film about the exploration of the unknown, which is the eternal theme of the progress of humanity. Also inspired Nolan's Interstellar (2014). The determination of space exploration despite obstacles ahead is the same in these two films. In Interstellar, the drive is more understandable as the space voyage harbours hope for saving mankind. In Contact, the motivation is seeking answers to big questions and the scientific truth. Exceptionally played by Jodie Foster, the brilliant and strong-minded female protagonist is a firm-believer and pursuer of science.
看海报差点错过看完却很喜欢。去年读了《睡眠性格指导1∽6集》了解了背景,所以影片立场是令人信服的。每次看类似揭露西方社会丑恶和黑暗面的影片时,最受触动的往往都是,不管政府如何伪善作恶,至少谎言和阴谋还能被揭露。这样的体制培养出了愿坚守fundamental values的人,坚持追寻真相的记者,不求报酬维护人权的律师,爱上丰年经继拇就是这些人以及他们坚守的原则让人看到了人类群星闪耀时。